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Fabulous Fresh Fruit



See the bookstore for details. Also on sale at Amazon, and select retailers in California, Colorado & Texas.

E-book, Your Cleanse Companion, will be available Summer 2013.

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Book 2, Love Thy Veggies will be available Fall 2013.

Love Thy Veggies

Click here for a sample recipe


A Lifetime of Recipes: Your Cleanse Companion

Coming Soon!

"Your Cleanse Companion" will be available in January 2013 as a "pdf" file and in February in Nook, Kindle, and Ipad formats. The price is expected to range from $5-$8, depending on the format.

Cleansing Diets

There are a variety of cleanse programs. Your medical professional or dietician will provide the guidelines and any supplementary products required. Don't go it alone!

This e-book is designed to fit a range of programs. It contains recipes using fish, chicken, and lamb; raw nuts; and other foods that are allowed in some cleanse program. Where possible, I have suggested replacement foods if your particular program omits an ingredient. If in doubt, consult your cleanse professional as to any specific food item.

Why This Book?

Cleanses sometimes fail to produce lasting results. The most common failure is FOOD BOREDOM. Cleanses deliberately restrict the types of food and preparation techniques; they are not intended to last more than a few weeks. But if you love to eat, that is a long time to have boiled rice and raw vegetables only! And many people complete the cleanse program, but then revert to their old cooking and eating habits in search of FLAVOR, or because they have not learned new strategies for making healthy meals that TASTE GOOD.

happy healthy fruit